Last updated on Jul 05, 2024.

Terms of Use

These terms of user inform you about our procedures regarding a legally binding agreement between you and Cloudbrand.

Terms of Use

By purchasing and using the services of this website you agree to the below-listed terms and conditions. The acceptance of these Terms of Use is mandatory for the access and use of this website and if you do not agree with all of them you should not create an account with and/or use the services of Cloudbrand.

We have the right to change these Terms of Use at any time. It is your responsibility to check this page and keep yourself updated with the latest edition of our Terms of Use.

Cloudbrand does its best to keep the information on this website current and complete, however, we do not guarantee this and we can't be held responsible if this is not so.


The content of this website and the services listed on it are owned by Cloudbrand and are protected by applicable laws. By creating a Cloudbrand account, you obtain the right to use our service, but this right is personal and non-transferable. You are not allowed to transfer, rent, resell, or otherwise make your account available to any third party.

If you violate any of these Terms, including any attempt to transfer, rent, or resell your account, your Cloudbrand access will be suspended automatically. You will be required to delete and destroy any resources obtained from this website.

Cloudbrand reserves the right to terminate accounts that are found to be in violation of these ownership terms, without prior notice and at our sole discretion.

Use Of The Website And Its Services

If you accept these Terms of Use and create an account to use our services, you are welcome to use those same services within the guidelines of these Terms of Use.

We have the right to discontinue any of our services or the website with or without prior notice.

Prohibited Use Of This Website

Using our services you agree that:

  • you are 18 years of age or older;
  • you will not engage in any activities that may infringe the rights of Cloudbrand or any third party;
  • you will not act against these Terms of Use;
  • you will not use our services in any racially, sexually or otherwise offensive way;
  • you will not use any automated data gathering methods to source data from this website;
  • you will not use any technologies to manipulate or display (e.g. within an iframe) the content of this website;

In case you breach any of the provisions of these Terms of Use we have the right to suspend your account and seek legal remedies.

Termination Of Use

If we find that you breach any of the provisions of these Terms of Use, we are going to suspend your account, without prior notice.

Links To Third Party Websites

We may publish links to third party websites, but this does not mean that we endorse or provide a warranty over their services. Any publication of links to third-party websites is for your convenience only and their services should be used and/or purchased at your own discretion.

Warranties And Disclaimers

The use of this website is at your own discretion. All our services are provided on an "as is" "as available" and "with all faults" basis and Cloudbrand expressly disclaims any warranties (expressed or implied) over this website's content or functions.

Should any part of this website or its services prove defective it is you that bears the full consequences and costs associated with that defect.

Cloudbrand provides no warranty that:

  • the services listed on this website are going to meet your requirements;
  • this website is going to work without interruption;
  • the website quality is going to meet your expectations;
  • any technical or factual errors will be corrected;

Personal Information And Privacy

Cloudbrand does not sell or rent your personal information. Any use of your personal information is within the guidelines of our Privacy Policy. Creating an account with Cloudbrand and using our services means that you agree with the Privacy Policy of this website.

In case you do not agree with the regulations of our Privacy Policy, you have to cease using our website and its services immediately.


In case you breach these Terms of Use and with that the rights of a third party, you agree to indemnify and hold Cloudbrand harmless against all claims, damages, costs, liabilities and expenses asserted against Cloudbrand.


These Terms of Use shall be governed in accordance with international treaty provisions and other applicable laws.

Incorrect Pricing

Cloudbrand does its best to keep all prices on this website current and updated, however, due to a genuine error it may happen that a service displays an incorrect price. For cases like this we keep our right to cancel the transaction and refund the payment, if such payment has been made.

No Monetary Liabilities

Under no conditions will Cloudbrand be liable for any losses or damages arising from the use or inability to use the services of Cloudbrand.


Depending on the situation we may agree to refund your transaction. However, you’ll need to contact us with more information.

No Waiver

In case we don't act immediately against anyone breaching these Terms of Use, does not mean that we are losing our right to take any actions in response to the breach at a later stage.

Legal Fees

In case we go to court and Cloudbrand wins that court's decision, you agree to reimburse us for any legal fees and costs incurred during this legal process.


If any provisions of these Terms of Use are deemed illegal and unenforceable, the rest of the provisions should still apply.

Using Your Business Name For Promotions

Purchasing and using our services gives us the right to use your business name and logo for the promotion of the same services.

Computer Viruses Or Connection Problems

Cloudbrand is not responsible for any harm caused to your computer systems by computer viruses that may have been transmitted while accessing our website and/or downloading any resources.

Cloudbrand is not responsible for any incomplete or corrupt copies of files that you may download from our website in relation to internet connection problems.

Notice And Procedure For Making Claims Of Infringement

If you think that we harm your copyrights with any of our characters or illustrations, please, contact us and we are going to investigate the case thoroughly.

Contact Us

Should you have any questions or concerns in regards to these Terms of Use, please, do not hesitate to contact us at team@